The shipping costs will be added during checkout based on the delivery address. The rates of some countries (such as Australia, Brazil, USA, …) depend on the total weight of your order, so they will be calculated automatically during checkout (based on the country and the total weight of your order).
Country | Number of Days* | Shipping Cost |
Argentina | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Australia | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Austria | 2-3 days | €9,95 |
Belgium | 1-2 days | €4,95 |
Brasil | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Bulgaria | 4-5 days | €9,95 |
Canada | 5-8 days | from €18,95** |
Czech Republic | 4-5 days | €7,95 |
Denmark | 4-5 days | €9,95 |
Estonia | 4-5 days | €14,95 |
Finland | 4-5 days | €14,95 |
Germany | 2-3 days | €6,95 |
Greece | 4-5 days | €18,95 |
Hungary | 4-5 days | €24,95 |
Indonesia | 5-8 days | from €31,95 |
Ireland | 4-5 days | €8,95 |
Israel | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Italy | 4-5 days | €9,95 |
Japan | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Latvia | 4-5 days | €12,95 |
Lebanon | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
Lithuania | 4-5 days | €12,95 |
Luxembourg | 1-2 days | €5,95 |
Malta | 5-8 days | from €24,95** |
Netherlands | 1-2 days | €5,95 |
Norway |
Poland | 4-5 days | €9,95 |
Portugal | 4-5 days | €9,95 |
Romania | 4-5 days | €12,95 |
Slovakia | 4-5 days | €12,95 |
Slovenia | 4-5 days | €14,95 |
South Korea | 5-8 days |
from €31,95** |
Spain | 3-4 days | €11,95 |
Sweden | 4-5 days | €12,95 |
Switzerland | 4-5 days | from €24,95** |
Taiwan | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
United Arab Emirates (Dubai) | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
United States | 5-8 days | from €18,95** |
Vietnam | 5-8 days | from €31,95** |
*Number of Days: estimates only, it might take longer because of busy periods or other external factors. NON-EU Countries might also take longer because of Customs handling.
**Shipping costs will be calculated based on weight. The rates above are the standard rates for orders up to 2,5kg (freight weight). The shipping rates are calculated during checkout, so you can check the actual rate for your order there. NON-EU Countries: Please also note that respective Import Taxes, TVA, Custom Fees or possibly toll fees will be charged to you upon delivery of your order.
Please note that the delivery times that are provided with your order confirmation are just used to give you a basic overview on the number of business days it takes for an order to be delivered after receiving your order confirmation, but this is definitely not accurate. Thank you for understanding that we have no influence on delivery delays due to safety measures of the customs authorities, or other possible delays. We cannot be held responsible if the delivery time is not respected. If the shipment did not arrive on time, we cannot grant you a refund of the shipping costs on terms of non-compliances.
To calculate the delivery costs, please add any product to your shopping cart, click on checkout and select your country. The delivery costs for your order will then be displayed automatically.
Special Conditions for deliveries to NON-EU Countries:
- Respective Import Taxes, TVA, Custom Fees or possibly toll fees will be charged to you upon delivery of your order. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information.
Thank you for understanding that we have no influence on delivery delays due to safety measures of the customs authorities, or other possible delays. We cannot be held responsible if the delivery time is not respected. If the shipment did not arrive on time, we cannot grant you a refund of the shipping costs on terms of non-compliances.
**= Some regions may be excluded, please check the complete list during checkout to have an overview of the countries and provinces.
***= The shipping costs are calculated automatically in the checkout based on the weight of your order.